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This tea was produced by a skilled ripe puerh maker in a factory near Hà Giang city in 2015. Old/ ancient tree material from a couple areas in Vị Xuyên district, Hà Giang and stored naturally but carefully.


This tea brews up into a rich dark red to black soup depending on how you brew it. Heavily sweet with prominent herbal medicine, dark fruit and forest wood notes. This tea is starting to show some pleasant “aged” flavors after its production in 2015. Lasting herbal throat cooling finish with a relaxing qi.


There are a good amount of Lao Cha Tou (Old Tea Heads) which are clumps of tea that form during the ripening process in this batch.


I like to brew this one at about 6-7g/ 100ml and enjoy it over many brews in a longer session.


Season: 2015

Picking Standard: 1 bud, 2-3 leaves

Region: Vị Xuyên, Hà Giang

Elevation: 1000-1400m

VỊ Xuyên Ripe Puerh 2015

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