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A wonderful green tea made from the same trees as the Lai Châu Deep Forest White.


The tea trees in this area are growing to heights of 10+ meters in the deep forest at 2200m+ in elevation. The rich biodiversity and natural growing conditions really make their way into the cup.


This tea brews up slowly into a rich, clear golden soup. The flavor is unique and complex. Reminds me of forest flower honey, herbs, strawberry or raspberry and wild grasses with a lot of umami. There are some similarities to Japanese green teas.


Just a touch of astringency, no bitterness, thick mouthfeel, rich huigan and relaxing qi. A great option for warmer days and when you are looking for a unique green tea experience.


Another interesting aspect of this tea is the aging potential. I have tried teas from past years and they get sweeter and richer over time. The honey notes become more prominent as well.


I admittedly am not much of a green tea drinker but this one really struck a chord with me for its uniqueness.


This tea is very flexible with brewing parameters but I like using 5g/ 100ml and long steeps at 85-100 degrees. This is also a good candidate for grandpa brewing and boiling.


Season: Spring 2024

Picking Standard: 2-3 leaves and some buds

Region: Phòng Thổ, Lai Châu

Elevation: 2200-2600m

Lai Châu Deep Forest Green Spring 2024

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