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Nice ripe puerh made with old and ancient tree material from Cao Bồ, Hà Giang. 


The base raw puerh material for this batch was produced in spring of 2021 and fermented in the autumn. Skilled and clean processing which is not always guaranteed in Vietnamese ripe puerh. The fermentation for this one is on the lighter side so the tea retains some liveliness (bitterness, astringency) which really keeps a ripe puerh interesting in my opinion. 


This tea brews up pretty quickly into a rich red or brown soup depending on how strong you brew it. There are notes of cocoa, forest woods and jammy stone fruits with a nice minerality. Mild chicory bitterness and astringency. 


Good depth, medium-thick mouthfeel with a lingering huigan and strong qi. This tea goes many rounds. 


This tea was stored in natural conditions in Hà Giang (hot and humid) since production and there are some small white spots and patches of mold on some of the cakes. This is not harmful and there are no negative effects on the fragrance and taste of the tea. 

This is a good candidate for aging and should keep improving over the years. 


350g cakes ($0.16/ gram)


Season: Spring 2021

Picking Standard: 1 bud, 2-3 leaves

Region: Cao Bồ, Hà Giang

Elevation: 1200-1300m

Cao Bồ Ripe Puerh Spring 2021

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