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A nice buddy moonlight white style tea produced from old and ancient trees growing at 1200-1300m in elevation in the Cao Bồ commune area of Hà Giang. Cao Bồ is about an hour and a half drive from Hà Giang city.


This tea was shade withered with a bit of direct sun drying towards the end of processing. I feel this tea finds a nice medium as far as this style goes in regards to oxidation and overall processing time.


This tea brews up into a rich dark golden crimson soup. Fruity and floral work with notes of cacao and warming spices work well to describe this one. If I had to pick out individual fruits and flowers, I would say mangos and roses. Lingering finish and relaxing qi effect.


This tea should age well with good storage due the high raw material quality.


300g cakes ($0.14/ gram)


Season: Spring 2024

Picking Standard: 1 bud, 1-3 leaves

Region: Cao Bồ, Hà Giang

Elevation: 1200m-1300m

Cao Bồ White Spring 2024

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